Best Colors Dark Hair Light Blk Skin

Light Hair - Cool Skin Light Hair - Warm Skin Red Hair - Pale Skin Dark Hair - Pale Skin Dark Hair - Warm Skin Dark Hair - Light Black Skin Dark Hair - Dark Black Skin
Dark Hair - Light Black Skin

Dark Hair - Light Black Skin

Your best eye colors:
charcoal grays, bitter chocolate browns, pale pinks, lilacs, and sky blues; mascara should be black or brown black

Your best blushes:
shimmery pinks look great with pastel makeup, or try caramel shades if you're using dark makeup on your eyes

Your best lipsticks:
nude, bitter chocolate browns, pale shimmery pinks, or warm brown pinks

Despite the darker pigmentation of your skin, you're often more cool-complexioned than warm. Many light black skins have an ashy tone, which means you'll see gray, beige, and bone tints when you look at your wrist. Avoid the bright primary shades that are often recommended for black skin, as they'll overpower your creamy complexion, and go for intense pastel shades for dramatic contrast. Wear these with very natural lips to balance your face. If you don't want to use color, dark eye and pale lip combinations look amazing on you. Some pale black skins do have warm tones. Remember the less is more rule.

Source: Complete Beauty Book by Helen Foster

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