Best Colors Dark Hair Dark Blk Skin

Light Hair - Cool Skin Light Hair - Warm Skin Red Hair - Pale Skin Dark Hair - Pale Skin Dark Hair - Warm Skin Dark Hair - Light Black Skin Dark Hair - Dark Black Skin
Dark Hair- Dark Black Skin

Dark Hair - Dark Black Skin

Your best eye colors:
navy blues, deep plums, dark or reddish browns, and gold

Your best blushes:
plums or dark browns

Your best lipsticks:
raisin browns, deep or glossy plums, deep reds, chocolate browns

This can be the hardest coloring to find makeup for, as many companies don't understand dark skin. Aim for the deepest, warmest shade of any color (particularly the red, plums, blues, and browns you find in your skin) and skip bright shades or anything with a cool blue or pink base. Shimmery shades look great - particularly in the evening - as do gloss lipsticks. For eyes, choose the darkest, inkiest mascara to show your lashes off. Be careful when choosing foundation- many shades have ashy undertones, which can make you look washed out and ruin the effects of your carefully chosen makeup.

Source: Complete Beauty Book by Helen Foster

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