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Wonderful Products

Testimonial By: Helen
Wonderful Products I've always suffered with rosacea and it has been the bain of my life for many years. Wearing other makeup was always hit and miss. In end I just didn't wear it as much, as the struggle to get it right and make it look not cakey each day was becoming to unbearable. Until I discovered mineral makeup and for a 37 yr old I discovered it very late!! After trying another brand - I won't mention the name, I then discovered I was severely allergic to bismuth oxychloride and that put that to an abrupt end, until I was researching in the web and discovered Mineral Hygienics. I love Mineral Hygienics, I love how it does not make you look cakey or look like one big dry patch! It keeps the face flawless all day and definitely covers my redness due to the rosacea. The extra bonus is that Mineral Hygienics does not contain the allergy ingredient bismuth oxychloride, so I ordered some and wow is all I can say!!!! The items arrived within 2 weeks and I'm in the UK. I've been wearing the products for around 2 wks and I’m completely happy and love this product, I ask myself everyday why I didn't discover this makeup so much sooner!!! I will continue to order from you.... Wonderful products


Testimonial By: Ety
BEST FOUNDATION EVER I have bought the mineral foundation for the first time and I am very impressed. In the past I have used other brands, but never have I come accross one that is as good as Mineral Hygienics'. It goes on beautifully, not blotchy at all, with excellent coverage, and it looks natural, not caked on like some of them. What I have found in the past that most mineral makeup will show up my pores, virtually magnifying them, well, I am delighted to say that this one does not do that, and it does not settle in lines. Wears fantastically also. Very happy indeed!!!

Blends in Beautifully!

Testimonial By: Sharron
Blends in Beautifully! I'm 44 yrs of age and still suffer from cystic acne. It can be mentally debilitating having a condition that starts in the teenage years and still persists today. My problem seems to be hormonal. It has improved over the years but I have now accepted that I'm not going to 'grow out of it one day'. It can be hurtful when people ask if I have eaten too much chocolate etc when I have a break out. In this photo I have some on my forehead which my hair helps to hide and I have the red healing scars of 2 recent cystic acne on either side of my chin in the smile crease line. I was previously using a tinted moisturiser with sunscreen but felt this was also contributing to blocked pores. I discovered Mineral Hygienics recently and I'm very impressed with the product. It doesn't feel or look caked on. I like how it covers but still manages to keep a 'natural' look. In my photo you can still see a couple of sunspots (or as the doctor told me age spots!) on my cheeks. I used the Under Eye Multi Tasker for the dark circles under the eyes and on the red acne healing scars on my chin and acne on my forehead. I then used the Foundation and needed to apply a second application of the Multi Tasker on my chin area. I applied the foundation again with lots of buffing and it all blends in beautifully. The enlarged pores on my nose are dramatically reduced. I especially like how the product still looks fantastic at the end of the day. I definitely feel more confident with this product with it's ability to cover acne and redness without it looking like lots of coverup has ben appled. I'm also very happy with the service of the company promptly answering my questions with helpful advice.

Fairest of Them All

Testimonial By: Kourtney Davison
Fairest of Them All I have Snow White skin. Fairest of the fair. In fact once when working at a clothing store, a little girl thought I really WAS Snow White and asked me to play along. Which I did haha. I have the high voice to match.

Well, back then I wasn't using Mineral Hygienics and under that pretty fair skin was lots of acne and very sensitive skin. It is hard enough to find a makeup light enough, let alone one that won't break me out and cause irritation. I tried multiple makeup brands. Most had ingredients that either broke me out or irritated my skin. Then came Mineral Hygienics. HALLELUJAH! Thanks to reviews online, I tried it. Perfect coverage, great color selections, and affordable price. I have been using it for about 2 years now. Started with the trial sizes then purchased a large one. Best purchases ever! Thanks Mineral Hygienics! Please never change your formula! It also lasts great in Louisiana's weather; even in our hot summers.

Mineral miracle

Testimonial By: Sheila
Mineral miracle I’ve been using Mineral Hygienics for at least 5 yrs now. I love it. I’m 48 years old and I didn’t want to use makeup that made me look old. Mineral Hygienics covers great and yet it feels so light and looks soft and natural. I get so many comments on my makeup. I originally found Mineral Hygienics when I was having issues with oily skin and it worked great. Since switching to Mineral Hygienics my skin is now fairly normal and it still works great. Ohhh yeah, and let me add that its waterproof….Just another wonderful factor ! ve been using Mineral Hygienics for at least 5 yrs now . I love it .. I m now 48 years old and I don't want to add any aged look to my face , I 've found It covers great and yet it feels so light and looks soft and natural . I get so many comments on my makeup .. I decided to try it due to my than oily skin and it worked great . Now my skin is fairly normal And it still works great . And let me add the waterproof is just another wonderful factor !

Radiant Beauty through Chemo

Testimonial By: Virginia Chappell
Radiant Beauty through Chemo Although I was very sick during my chemotherapy, people frequently commented on my complexion. They would say that I looked radiant and asked how I did it. I would quickly tell them that it was Mineral Hygienics Makeup. Being a Breast Cancer patient, I was comforted to know that Mineral Hygienics Makeup has no toxins such as parabens that act as estrogen and stimulate the growth of certain kinds of Breast Cancer. Mineral Hygienics has great coverage yet looks natural. The blushes give your skin a natural glow that makes you look beautifully radiant even through chemotherapy.

Forever Loyal to Mineral Hygienics

Testimonial By: Lisbet Sorensen
Forever Loyal to Mineral Hygienics Mineral Hygienics makes me the best version of myself.

When I started testing out mineral foundation about four years ago, I was very sceptical. Would it give me the desired coverage (being a red-faced pimple-head with big pores), and would it keep my skin safe? The first two brands I tried left me disappointed. One gave me an increase in impurities, the other dried my skin in completely. I was about ready to give up when I saw and advertisement for Mineral Hygienics. Checking out the website and the favourable prices, I decided to give it a shot. I've never looked back. Since wearing Mineral Hygienics I feel confident every morning that I will be able to leave the house the best version of myself. I don't even feel the make-up on my skin, but it does wonders for my tone and covers up any impurities (which have also lessened since I've been using it). Over the years I've used Mineral Hygienics, I've also successfully made both my mom and several of my friends passionate about the brand. I'm forever loyal!

I look so fresh!

Testimonial By: Rachel Hazelwood
I look so fresh! Mineral Hygienics keeps my face looking fresh and young. Even through chemotherapy, I received comments about how great I looked. I also don't have to worry about harmful additives in the make-up.

Thank You!

My acne is gone!

Testimonial By: Erica S.
My acne is gone! I have suffered from breakouts and blemished skin since I was twelve. I've always felt like my makeup was a catch-22: covering up my existing acne, but also causing new breakouts. However, it was a cycle that I couldn't break because I didn't want my existing acne to be visible.

Since starting to use Mineral Hygienics two years ago, my face has significantly cleared up - the catch-22 cycle has been broken! Now I use my makeup to enhance, maintain, and improve the quality of my skin. Thank you, Mineral Hygienics for creating a product that doesn't irritate my acne-prone skin!


Amazing Products!

Testimonial By: Dawn B.
Amazing Products! Hi,
I started using Mineral Hygienics a couple of years ago. I had struggled most of my life with oily skin and breakouts. At 44 years of age, enough was enough. I read about several different natural make-up brands and was most impressed with Mineral Hygienics. From the first week I used Mineral Hygienics, I saw a real difference. I use the matte as a base and then finish with light. I'm a minimalist when it comes to make-up. Mineral Hygienics keeps my skin looking fresh and even all day without looking caked on or heavy. It doesn't feel heavy either.
I finish my simple look with mascara, lip liner, brow pencil, and sometimes eyeliner. All of these Mineral Hygienics products deliver for me. No smudges, but my make-up washes off easily at the end of the day. Last week, we were running out the door to go to the barn, and my husband said I didn't have time for make-up. Since Mineral Hygienics is so quick to apply, I was already finished and because the make-up is so natural-looking, my 12-year-old son said, "She doesn't have make-up on. She just always looks good."

Ha! What he doesn't know won't hurt him! Thank you for providing amazing and truly natural products!
Dawn Burnette
Blairsville, GA

Huge Savings

Your Mineral Hygienics Starter Kit includes:
  • 2 shades of Mineral Hygienics SPF Foundation
  • -Choose your shades below
  • Mineral Hygienics Warm Kiss mineral enhancer
  • -You can change this below
  • Mineral Hygienics Sheer Perfection - Translucent finishing powder
  • -You can change this below
  • Flawless Face Mineral Brush
  • Full Coverage Kabuki Brush
  • Wonder Cover Concealer Brush
  • Detailed How-To Guide

Money-back Guarantee:
We're so sure Mineral Hygienics will work for you we are offering a 45-day Money-Back Guarantee. If you're not delighted with the results, simply return the product within 45-days.

Before adding this item to the cart, be sure to select your custom foundation colors below!

Date Added: 10/26/2011 by Luciana Lombardi

After so many years working with makeup, I've never found a brand with a better cost-benefit! I have oily skin, therefore I needed to find a makeup that would keep the shine under control and hide the redness. This makeup is incredible for its coverage, long lasting and matte effect! It blends perfectly and last all day long... I swear! After all these qualities, you think about all the benefits it brings for a healthier skin and you will realize that this Start-up kit is a great deal!

Date Added: 08/20/2009 by karina manukyan

I have very very sensitive skin and this is the only makeup that I've found to not irritate my skin. It covers all the imperfections but feels so light on my face that I sometimes forget that I'm wearing anything at all. I get numerous complements on my complexion and I have already recommended this product to 3 of my friends who have sensitive and problematic skin as well. Thank you for creating this amazing makeup.

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